Mary Wienke
Tavia Young
Ashley Winkler
2. The top stories are hyperlinks it seems that the main one is the story of age progression techniques. It is odd that the stock market story is listed only as a hyper link and not as a main page story. However, it does seem that is posting the newest stories to the main page of their sites rather than posting the biggest or need to know stories. The newest stories are as follows:
Cold Case: Bradley Sisters
-This story takes up a third of the top of the main page including age progression pictures and a link to the Nancy Grace coverage of the story. Also, there is a summary of the story.
Latest News Links
-This also takes up a third of the top of the page but there are no pictures or summaries just hyperlinks to the stories.
Within the top of the main page there are also links to the latest video news and popular news stories. However, these are insignificantly placed compared to the latest news.
3. Yes does offer links to the most popular news. We find it ironic that the most popular stories that they show, rather than being about Wall Street or the election, they are about pop culture and celebrity scandal. When you go to the link the top stories are actually about wall street and the election.
4. The site has a wide variety of bloggers mainly professionals in the areas of stock, politics such as Jack Caferty, and media, and as of Sept 24,2007 has also added the "young people who rock" option for younger internet viewers. there are also blogs for college student discussing issues that are affecting them.
5. During the exploration of we found that there is a limit on viewer comments. Blogs have a comment feature but news stories do not. It seems that this is a way to keep news stories "objective" to a certain extent. Which is a plus to reading this site.
6. there is much opportunity to find news in the form of video. the site contains numerous links that provide the latest clips and T.V. covered stories. These clips range from media pleasing content such as coverage of Lance Armstrongs return to cycling. to political voter information and updates in progress to information about the enviornment and ways it is affecting us.
This has been the site I go to for my news for several years now, but I am now on the market for a new one because I am fed up with it. I see far too many fluff celebrity stories in the top headlines on the homepage. Also I absolutely hate the video features that they push because they are just a rehash of the TV segments, which give me a terribly low amount of valuable information or context. The one big positive I can give for the site is that I rarely have to deal with readers comments on the page, except for the politics section. I rarely see any comment of substance and they have zero influence on other commenters, the writers, or the subjects of the article. The comments are the internet equivalent of yelling at the TV, you may be reacting in a passionate way to the information, but no one is listening. is the news website I usually turn to anytime something big is in the news and I want to read about it. I like the long list of "latest stories" that are hyperlinked for you right at the top of the page so you don't have to search all over for what you're looking for. will continue to be the site i frequent for current issues in the country & world.
CNN is personnally on of my favorites. You can always depend on it for the lastest breaking news whether it is in politics or celebrity news, it's on I think the format could be a little more engaging, but do love hyberlinks, since I am not much for searching for info. Other than that my only suggestion is that it appear a little more appealing to draw int the readers.
Since CNN is the news station I normally turn to, it is only right that it is the website I use to obtain updates as well. I love the features that bring almost a "TV" feel to it with my favorite hosts, Campbell Brown, Anderson Cooper, and Mr. Blitzer!! I think, although very plain and full of "fluff" as Javier mentioned, it's still the best sight to go for any instant news update with the greatest reliability of sources and knowledge of news. WOO CNN!!!
I watch CNN all the time, and I find it to be a pretty good source for news; however, i had only visited a few times. I like that the site is very organized and easy to navigate. One feature that stands out to me is the "From The Blogs" section that accompanies many of the articles. It links users to blogs that relate in some way to the subject of the article. I would probably visit again.
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