Cassie Trevino and Scott Tindall
2. Top Three Stories:
Bailout Plan a Hard Sell on Capitol Hill is one of the featured articles on the site. It's placed right at the top of the homepage, with the title in bold letters and a picture to accompany the story. This piece is about a dispute over the different ways Congress is trying to figure out a reasonable route to handle the bailout plan by the desired time frame.
At U.N., Bush Reassures Leaders on Economy would be another featured article on nytimes.com. The hyperlinked, bolded title is placed right under the previous featured story we mentioned, in hopes that readers will click that article next. Briefly, the story goes on about Bush encouraging UN Leaders on the economy being able to improve and the war on terror leaving positive impacts in Iraq during his final address to the UN.
The third top story entitled, 10 South African Cabinet Ministers Resign, is placed toward the bottom left of the other main articles with bold lettering to catch the readers eye. This piece explains South Africa's current government status regarding a new leader for them in the near future.
3. Yes, there is a most popular emailed list of articles. It is located at the top of the page in a tab. You can view it here. It seems that the articles dealing with "hot topics" are emailed by the readers.
4. There are indeed blogs on the site. The bloggers appear to know a lot on their particular topic that they write about.
5. Yes, readers are free to leave comments and have discussions over articles, blogs, and opinion pieces.
6. The site does use audio clips and video. There is actually a tab at the top of the page dedicated to numerous video reports that you can view here. Also, there is an audio clip on the homepage of nytimes.com if you browse around the front page.
Though I find the site very engaging, it looks like a great news source, as it's very neatly arranged, in the manner very close to looking like an actual newspaper, I don't think I would regularly use the site as a news source. I don't find the 'looks like an actual newspaper' attractive on a website; this manner befits an actual newspaper rather than an Internet website. Also, it's really claustrophobic looking, everything is close together and I don't like that.
I found this site to be very useful, especially when needing the information you may need by simply typing it in the search engine. However, I found the cover page to be very cluttered and hard to find anything that way. I feel as if it would take me forever to find something on the front page with all of the mess on it. I don't think I would regularly use this site as a news source unless needed to.
I feel the site is engaging, it's got current news and it is easy to go back and try to find older news. I used this site as a freshman so I suppose it helps that I am already familiar with it. I still use it now if I need more info on a particular news story I might have read either on another web site or in the news on TV. As I stated before I still used it at least a few times a week to stay on top of current affairs.
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