1. CBS News
Kit Neckar, Jaclyn Nix, Devin Nixon, & Monica Pena
2. A.) Senators Grill Bailout Boys:
as the number one top story on CBS News.com because it is the first thing to catch your attention on the homepage of CBS News.com. It is displayed with a large picture at the top of the website. This story is about Bernanke and Paulson facing sharp questioning on the $700 billion rescue plan for the economy.
Another top story featured on the CBS website includes this story.
Matt Saari, 22 year old student at a trade school in western
Finland, opened fire killing 10 people before shooting himself in
the head, resulting in his death. He was previously questioned by
police due to his postings of videos on the popular youtube site.
The videos showed Saari playing with his firearm, but police found
no reason for arrest or removal of the gun. This story is shown as
the first story under the daily top stories found on CBSNews.com
C.)Iran Leader Blames U.S. for Market Crisis:
as another top story because it is listed under top stories and is
seen to continually pop up on the right side of the website. Iran's
president is blaming the U.S. military for interferring throughout
the world for the collapse of global financial markets.
3. Viewers can find the most popular stories on the middle right
hand part of CBSNews.com. These stories are listed in order by the
quantity of views they receive. All consist of political issues
except for the third breaking story confirming Clay Aiken's
homosexuality. The stories are divided into three separate
categories; videos, pictures, and stories.
hand part of CBSNews.com. These stories are listed in order by the
quantity of views they receive. All consist of political issues
except for the third breaking story confirming Clay Aiken's
homosexuality. The stories are divided into three separate
categories; videos, pictures, and stories.
4. Yes, the site does incorporate a journal-style blog. There is a lick on the left scroll bar, which takes you to the different blog categories. Now most of the blogs are just regular people commenting on the different issues, but there is one blogger named BH_Uhbama; this person has some really strong views on the Katie's Interview With Sarah Palin.
5. CBSNews.com does incorporate reader comments, where bloggers can post how they
feel on a topic or opinion of some sort. The reader comments are underneath blogs, and once you have chosen a blog, you can post to separate articles. You can also read what others had to say about something as well. However, there is no discussion boards, just merely a place where readers can express how they feel on the articles given at hand.
6. CBSNews.com has an area right below the headline news that is focused on still photos and videos including links to more videos and photos. Also on the menu to the left side of the webpage, there is a link to the videos page. They highlight some of the videos and pictures on the front page.
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Watch CBS Videos Online
I thought this was a very detailed Blog. The usage of the two videos at the bottom of the post were very shocking and it really captured my attention.
Tavia young
The video images on the cbs site was huge attention grabber. It sparked interest in me and made me want to inform myself about the event. Though I've never visited this site before, it seemed to be useful and very easy to navigate. I would consider using this site for news in the future.
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