Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Product Integration In Arrested Development

Burger King is referenced a few times throughout this episode of Arrested Development. This scene, however, takes place inside the restaurant and is established by a shot of the outside of the building. The characters say the name Burger King many times in the scene. You can see the advertisements in the restaurant in the background and the BK logo on the cups and fries. The characters discuss the restaurant and how they offer free refills on any drink. The integration is quite prominent, especially at the end of the scene when Tobias says "Its a wonderful restaurant," followed by the narrator's comment "It sure is."

Burger King was integrated into the show because the show needed some extra cash. That's pretty much the only reason. It wasn't because the show was so popular that Burger King would benefit from being associated with it. I suppose it's possible that they might benefit because the show had a typically young audience, but mainly just because Arrested Development needed more money.

The product integration didn't distract at all from my viewing pleasure; if anything, it added to it. It is placed in the show in such an obvious and intentional way that it adds to the comedy of the show. When Carl Weathers is talking about setting a scene in Burger King in exchange for some money, Tobias replies "as long as you don't draw attention to it". It definitely stands out as product integration, but because it was done in a way that is characteristic of the show, it works well and adds humor.

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This is the blog for the TR section of Media & Society, Fall 2008, at Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi. The blog will feature postings by students on a variety of media topics.