Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Raquel Aguilar, Tara Biberstein, & Faith Barlow

1. I chose to watch Episode 6 of Season 5
, "Rise Up", of Grey's Anatomy on Hulu. They have episodes 3-6 of the current season posted in the "Full-Length" Type. The link for the episode takes you directly to ABC video-player that is also offered on the ABC website. There are ads that run before the episode begins and there are five, thirty second commercials that run in between. I did not watch the episode in HD; however, it is an option for a couple shows like The Office. I was unable to embed the full-length episode into the blog due to the fact that it is copyrighted by ABC. Hulu.com offers clips from every episode of Grey's on the website but those are also copyrighted by ABC and are unavailable to embed.

2. Though YouTube wants a higher income, especially with its numerous numbers of monthly visitors, and major companies want to protect their own interests by screening their material put on youtube, making
youtube.com a competitive source to hulu.com is stretching youtube perhaps further than it should possibly go. Hulu provides viewers with a variety of tvshows and other company made programing, a venue that youtube is not known for or majorly used for. With youtube's format it is also more difficult to find company programs because of the wide and varied ray of video's that youtube provides, leaving both the provider and the audience less than satisfied. Hulu is very useful; specifically designed for this venue it has clear organization and allows viewers quick access to desired shows. However, youtube still has a larger audience, but this stems from not only programed shows, but the various and unsusspected videos. Therefore adding this feature to youtube will not really have too much affect on the hulu/youtube competition. People will still go to hulu for shows and youtube for everything else.

3. As I searched through
youtube.com I realized it was extremely hard to find current complete episodes from the ABC network. This is probably due to the copyright infringements affiliated with posts that go up unauthorized. I found a clip from last sundays episode of Desperate Housewives. The clip is only the first seven minutes into the show. The first thing I noticed from the clip is the bold sentence that is displayed on top of the screen for the duration of the clip. It reads, "full episodes @ www.tvthrone.com." I also noticed the clip is posted by a fan. The clip is displayed in the upper left hand corner of the screen, with links of other related episodes on the right side. This is unlike hulu.com who presents their clips almost in a theater like fashion.

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