Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Scott T Blog #4 Television

Scott Tindall

Nov. 4 2008

This could not really be called a normal day of television viewing, seeing that the most historic election in history was predominantly what I tuned into. It was typical in the sense that I watch a ton of news networks every day. Probably because this election coverage has been like an 18 month crack binge. The amount of TV I watched on the 4th was a couple of hours, I would say, more than I watch in the average day. I watches a good hour and a half of Jon Stuart on the 4th. I am a big fan of the Daily Show with Jon Stuart. I caught an re-run of his show, after Good Morning America, while I was studying for an economics test. This is due to my terrible attention span. I watched Good Morning America this morning for the first time in quite a while. This is because of the time the show airs, not because I don't like it. I had CNN's Election coverage on in the afternoon, but I really wasn't watching it. I just needed something on in the background while I was cleaning up the house. I did not miss any shows that I had otherwise planned on watching. The festivities got kicked off at 7:00 pm, with the first polls closing. Not to get into the election, but Obama won (F*^K YEAH) and after his speech I watched about an hours worth of news coverage, flipping between ABC and NBC. They both had excellent election coverage.

I really don't watch much TV on the Internet. I did read an article posted by the Washington Post on the 4th, but not any television shows. Although I had planned to go to a public showing of the election, I just stayed home and invited some friends over to watch it on my TV. My friends and I watched the news for a couple of hours on my TV that night, definitely not playing a drinking game.

This was not difficult to do for a day. I could see how it would get a little wearing if I had to do it for a week or more. I did catch myself hesitating when I would change the channel, in an attempt to be honest as possible. At the end of the night, however, I had no problem with flipping back and forth between ABC and NBC. It felt as though I watched 50 hours of TV that day. I was surprised when I calculated the total amount of TV I watched. I think that this is a very legitimate way to log ones television intake, but I do feel that it has a way of influencing the way people watch TV. In conclusion, this is a reasonable tool for calculating the amount of TV watched by a person on a single television.

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This is the blog for the TR section of Media & Society, Fall 2008, at Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi. The blog will feature postings by students on a variety of media topics.